Let's Talk About You

Let’s Talk About You

Give me a moment, seriously, just 325 words and we’ll get to you, but first consider this story.

There was a time when the prophet Samuel was tasked by God to anoint a new king over Israel. Much would ride on the faith, wisdom, grace, and courage of the next appointment because the previous appointment, King Saul, hadn’t work out so well.

Samuel was sent to the home of Jesse in Bethlehem to meet his sons and select one of them at God’s prompting to be Israel’s next leader. Apparently, he would know him when he met him.

Jesse had eight sons, but only brought seven to the selection process. The very first was Eliab. When Samuel saw him, he was impressed and thought, “Surely this is the Lord’s anointed, but Eliab, though impressive to the world around him, wasn’t the guy. The Lord said, “Samuel, don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

That, my friends, is a valuable piece of information.

If you know the story you know all seven sons were presented, but none were selected. Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” Jesse’s response telegraphed his opinion of the eighth son still out in the fields; “There is still the youngest, but he’s out in the fields watching sheep and goats.” In other words, “You don’t want him. He’s too young. Great with goats and sheep, but hardly ready to become a king.” Samuel insisted on meeting the eighth son of Jesse, a boy named David.

The rest, as they say, is history. David became the greatest king Israel would know. He wasn’t perfect for sure, but God brought him through, and the people were blessed because of his grit and grace in the face of his own failures and overwhelming obstacles.

I was thinking about you. Wherever you woke up this morning, whatever you have been tasked with leading, whatever battle you face, and most important to this writing, however unqualified you may feel, take heart, “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them.” He saw your heart and chose you to lead where you lead, right where you are, right now.

God could have selected anyone, and I mean ANYONE to lead what you’re leading today, but he didn’t, he chose you. Whether it’s a family situation, a business, or a church, he has chosen you. Mom and Dad, he could have selected anyone to parent your children, but he passed on the rest of the world and chose you. I wonder what it is about you that made you his choice? I wonder what it is about your heart that made you stand out to the One who knows you best and loves you most?

Here is perhaps the most surprising reality of all, he chose you even though he knows you. Every part of you. The good, the bad, and dare I say, “the ugly.” And yet, there you are, chosen by God to lead. There must be something about your heart God knows that maybe you, nor the world around you recognizes because he chose you.

Dr. Crawford Howe, my former District Superintendent, would rarely let a gathering of pastors dismiss without pausing, waiting until he had everyone’s attention, and then saying: “I know things may be tough, but remember: You are where you are by Divine appointment, and I promise you, you’re doing better than you think you are.”

So, take heart my friend. The Lord knows beautiful things about you which you haven’t discovered yet. You may not see much when you look into the mirror, but remember, “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them.” Your assignment may seem overwhelming but the God who appointed David, appointed you and like David, he will bring you through!

Get up if you’ve fallen. Get help if you’re stuck. Get rest and then get busy if you’ve grown weary and want to give up. Of course, you can do this. You are where you are by Divine appointment and I promise you, you’re doing better than you think you are.


(1 Samuel 16:1-13)