In July of 2012, Brian accepted the call to Chicago First Church of the Nazarene (C1) in Lemont, Illinois. Chicago First is a 111 year old church desiring to reach the more than 67,000 people with no faith affiliation living within a 5 mile radius of the church. Since 2012, building on her rich tradition, C1 has walked through a 3 year refocus process resulting in the strategy “Clarify, Simplify, Multiply.” This unique approach has doubled the number of first time unchurched guests, multiplied ministry to 4 other locations, and established discipleship systems which guide new believers deeper into their faith. Under his leadership, Chicago First has intentionally sought out young leaders to engage and equip in an effort to multiply the important work of the church. Part of that strategy involves the creation of an Executive Team whereby he has decentralized leadership and shared authority.

In 2019, Brian was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Olivet Nazarene University for his leadership in the local church and multiplication of leaders and ministries.

Prior to service at Chicago First, Brian was blessed to serve as lead pastor at Ottawa First Church of the Nazarene, (OFC).  Over 12 years OFC, now CrossBridge Community Church of the Nazarene, committed itself to reach and serve others resulting in growth from 200 to more than 900 in weekend attendance. Hundreds of people made first-time commitments to Christ during this season. Under his leadership, OFC launched their first multi-site video campus in 2010, and invested in additional churches through restarts and church plants in Northwest Illinois.

Brian has authored a devotional for new believers called “God Time: Your First 31 Days” and is currently writing "Before you Quit" a devotional for leaders.