What Sowers Know #4 There Will Be Tears


What The Sower Knows #4

There will be tears.

Seeds are planted in sunshine but take root in darkness.

Some will never take root.

Sow anyway.

Sometimes tears will be the only moisture the seeds you’ve planted will know.

Let them fall and keep sowing.

Sometimes there will be divisive people following you attempting to dig up seed.

Wipe your tears and keep sowing.

Often you will sow into headwinds to a choir of critics.

Lean into the wind, ignore the critics, focus your heart, strengthen your resolve, and keep sowing.

Sometimes the soil just won’t accept the seed.

There’s nothing you can do about that; sow anyway.

I remember people who sowed into me though my heart was hard.

I can see their faces; my brother Bill, my sister, Lynn, my parents.

Others: Dale Campbell, Sister Harris, Jerry Short, Randy Hird, Mike Stipp, and many more.

Those names may mean nothing to you, but they mean everything to me.

If they had not been willing to sow in tears, they would not have been able to sow into me.

Who sowed through tears in you?

There will be tears.

Seeds are planted in sunshine but take root in darkness.

Some will never take root.

But some will.

I did.

Keep sowing.

(Psalm 126)