The enemy of your soul cannot stop you.
“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)
“No weapons formed against you…” (Isaiah 54:17)
But that DOES NOT mean you will succeed.
The one who cannot stop you will seek to stymie you.
The one who cannot defeat you will seek to demoralize you.
The one who cannot destroy you will attempt to drain you.
The one who cannot keep you will seek to distract you.
Until you quit.
The one who tempts you knows your temperature.
So, what will it take?
For you to abandon your mission?
Forget the calling?
Leave the dream in the middle of the desert you’re in and go home?
Just check out?
What will it take to take you out?
What straw will be the last one for your ego?
It’s fun to launch things.
It’s tough to lead things.
It’s really tough to finish things.
So what does the enemy need to whisper in your ear to get you to quit?
Do not be deceived.
A God-given dream never lies. (Habakkuk 2:1-3)
Reality will lie to you.
She begins with the truth; the way things are.
But then she draws her dismal conclusions in falsity;
“And this way they will always be.”
“This is the end of the story.”
But know this
It may take longer.
It may cost more.
It may look different.
But a God-given vision never lies.
Bank it.